This project was done for a introductory course in Java. This is my first Java project and shows what kind of coding skills I had when starting Java. What it does is it prompts the user to put in a number of steps. Once the user inputs a number if steps it goes through a randomizer that will randomly return a coordinate based on the number of steps the user put in. The user can input a number of steps multiple times and it will find the average amounts of distance that was “walked”. I did this project by myself so everything in the source was written by me. Not only was this my first Java project but this was my first solo project. There were a couple of pros and cons from doing a solo project. It was nice that I had complete control over the project but whenever I got stuck I could not get another person to look for a possible work around.
One roadblock I ran into was finding out how to calculate the coordinates on a plane. For a lot of previous programs I have done I was mostly given the equations that were needed to create the program but in this project I had to critically think about how to impliment math in code.
Doing a coding project by myself was stressful in that I was not sure if I had full completely the code perfectly since I’m not getting the input of others as it can be hard to interpretate what the instructor is expecting. This was definitely one of my most stressful coding projects as I only had myself to rely on due to the course being taken during covid but it was also on of the most rewarding since I was able to finish it myself.
Source: Random Walker Code