Having a coding standard is essential when creating a code that you plan on going back in. Coding standards are exactly what the name says, it is a standard that you can implement on your code, rules and guidelines. These rules and guidelines can be implemented on your files and show up as errors for you to fix. Of course you can finish a coding assignment for school that is unorganized and not have to look back but once you start to become a software engineer you will start writing software that you plan on making use out of. When you write a code that is unorganized and come back it will take a great amount of time to understand the code if it is unorganized. By implementing a coding standard on your code files it will make it easier for you when you have to go back into the code at a later date. This is not only beneficial to you but when you work with a team of people this can make it easier for them to understand your code as well.
Being able to code and knowing how to use frameworks is a part of the job of the job when creating a software. Just like how a painter needs to have good quality materials in order to create a good painting, software engineers also need to have a good developmental environment to use. If a painter has cheap paint that takes a long time to dry it can take them a long time to create a painting and the results will not come out the same. When having a good developmental environment it can cut the time it takes to create code down by a lot. An idle that I have been enjoying is Intellij. I first began to use it for web development but I started to use it for different types of codes too, like object oriented codes. Having a coding standard can be helpful in making your code organized but what Intellji does is that it fixes the coding standard errors for you with just a single click. I have only used a handful of different idles but Intellij has cut down the time it takes for me to fix errors by a lot. Being able to fix errors efficiently has allowed me to focus more on developing a more quality code. Just like how a painter having good quality paint allows them to add more details on the painting if they get to save time on the paint drying.
Having coding standards and a good developmental environment to implement said coding standards will save you and your team a great deal of time but when working on a project having proper management is important for being efficient at completing the project. You will find yourself deadlines once you become a software engineer and you will find yourself working with groups of people so being able to be efficient at creating projects is what agile project management is. Some key parts of agile project management is being transparent with one another, having shared ownership, and adaptability. When you are working on certain tasks you will find yourself being stuck on an issue, being transparent with your team members you can have this issue resolved faster instead of staying stuck on one issue. Having shared ownership has the same benefits of transparency as collaborating with one another will always have more room for different perspectives on how to approach a task. Let’s say you’re not in a place to be transparent with your team members or collaborate, you will need to learn how to adapt on an issue if your apparach is not working. Once you have a good coding standards, developmental environment, and an agile project management you will find yourself beig able to finish projects efficiently which is essential for a software engineer.